this document is a crude attempt at expressing the Fibonacci sequence
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34
as a folk opera
  The Dharma Compass
Creative Commons License
This work is in the Public Domain.

To Navigate this site, click the Letters in the Dharma Compass.
The Circles of Letters M O T H E and R are section headings that fall in line with the greater pattern.
The Circles of Letters q r s t u and v are the sub headings.
The Omega in the Center leads to the first page. Watch the video, read the whole page, and then click NEXT PAGE PLEASE

Please Forgive our apparent inability to do anyhting right.
I'm the only clown I've got. Know any jokes?
Relax. Breathe. Ask Yourself: AIN'T I a MOTHERFARMER?

The Mother Pharm: M t

M t

I like best to wake up in the shimmering
humid air of the octohedron. The light and shadow dance
with the movement of the sea
I smell her salt and tang in the air
along with the jasmine, mint And many mingled scents
of this floating Garden
From where I sleep I can see
The working s of the living pipes and
dripping of the condensation in this miracle.
The solar powered distiller making
steam which falls like dew each morning on the
many plants in our living crystal ship....
...and always there is the sound,
the humming 'OM' of vibrating bodies and singing bowls,
the sweet songs of safety
sung by the duela, the midwife,the nurse and the pregnant and nursing mamas,
here aboard
our floating sanctuary
I can't be here every day
They only let me stay at all Because I
Wrote about it in that spring of 2010 when
I was still just a landwalker wishing to build a sanctaury
On the sea
The greens, reds and golds of these
fulfilling chlorophyls I can almost taste
from the abundance of their beautiful blossoms as I can see and smell them

From My Body Like A Document

The point to be made here is about the great challenge that is melody.
How does one choose a way to sing a song?
The first of these songs to be sung with guitar was the second one - 'All the letters in the alphabet spoken at once'.
I based the melody off of a favorite jam of mine that goes from D to Bm to the Bob Dylan G then down to A.
That cycle repeats.
For the song on this page, I've used the same progression, except as Bar chords instead of the predominately open chords used before.
The Last song, they call me Owen, is done with the same chords, only in reverse.
For the first song I picked languidly through those same chords.
The third is a mess of several different performances spliced together.

The Living Crystal Ship



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