this document is a crude attempt at expressing the Fibonacci sequence
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34
as a folk opera
  The Dharma Compass
Creative Commons License
This work is in the Public Domain.

To Navigate this site, click the Letters in the Dharma Compass.
The Circles of Letters M O T H E and R are section headings that fall in line with the greater pattern.
The Circles of Letters q r s t u and v are the sub headings.
The Omega in the Center leads to the first page. Watch the video, read the whole page, and then click NEXT PAGE PLEASE

Please Forgive our apparent inability to do anyhting right.
I'm the only clown I've got. Know any jokes?
Relax. Breathe. Ask Yourself: AIN'T I a MOTHERFARMER?

The Mother Pharm: M u

M u

From My Body Like A Document

The lyrics to this song are written backwards - in the picture above.
Sometimes you want your song to be public.
Sometimes it is only for one special, intimate friend.
Sometimes your song is the story of how you were betrayed.
Sometimes your song is how you overcame adversity.
But it is YOUR song.
If you've been following along from the beginning end, then you now know quite a bit about how I go about writing.
The next question is - where does one get material about which to write - how does one develop the ease of thought that will allow them to express themselves?
All of my songs are in the public domain - as are these and every other word I have ever written. That frees me up considerably to make more songs - as I am not holding them tightly. I get along pretty well with my songs. They seem to like me.
I hope your songs like you, too.
Sojourner Truth



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