this document is a crude attempt at expressing the Fibonacci sequence
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34
as a folk opera
  The Dharma Compass
Creative Commons License
This work is in the Public Domain.

To Navigate this site, click the Letters in the Dharma Compass.
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Please Forgive our apparent inability to do anyhting right.
I'm the only clown I've got. Know any jokes?
Relax. Breathe. Ask Yourself: AIN'T I a MOTHERFARMER?

The Mother Pharm: Omega T

Omega T

This Document has but one purpose : to evolve into a sanctuary for homeless pregnant women on an organic farm with a school for midwifery.
It's success requires that you interact organically with it. This document's purpose will be arrived at as the proof of it's completion.
Long before then, this document will have acquired 501(c)(3) status with the IRS.
We will have met the Board of Directors
They will have agreed to the charitable nature of the chartered trust, appropriate relevance, and pragmatic necessity of the Babylon Refugee Rescue Operation.
One might now ask, how does a document evolve?
This document will evolve by the process of filling in the blanks on the provided diagram. As the names of the members of the boards of directors of the charitable trust,
the media production team (the Bad Folk Orchestra), the midwifery school, the mother farmers, engineering and maintenance, and the clientele are filled in - we shall see to what extent these forces interact harmoniously, to which extent in unity, and to which extent dissonant. All efforts on the parts of these individuals to interact will be recorded within this document, in section 6 - Creation.
this page is the beginning of section one - revelation, in which the purpose of the BRRO is revealed, and the actions to be taken to complete those purposes are briefly outlined, to be detailed in sections 2, (the bad folk orchestra) 3, the midwifery school, 4 , the mother farmers, 5, engineering and maintenance, 6, creation

( I will now apply several Philosophical methods at once to attempt to bring clarity to what I consider to be my divine inspiration in the MotherPharm Project. )

Cartesian Standards
Rationalistic Proofs
of an idea
1. Its Certainty must be such that it is impossible to doubt, it is self evident to reason, it is clear ) in itself ) and distinct ( from every other belief )
2. Its certainty must be ultimate and not dependent upon the certainty of any other belief.
3. It must be about something which exists ( so that from it beliefs about the existence of other things may be deduced )

Descartes used these three standards to reduce the fullness of his awareness to it's primary statable form, COGITO ERGO SUM : I think therefore I am.
Beyond this he found himself troubled. Because his sense perceptions could be deluded by a number of possible means ( hallucinations, delusions, or the machinations of a malvolent spirit ) he set about attempting to prove the existance of any and all types of things of which he could think that were not himself.
This brings to mind the metaphysics through which John's Gospel begins ~
"In the beginning was the WORD ( en el primero Este Verbo )and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning . Through Him all things were made, without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was Life, and that life was the Light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it."

Why bring up the Judeo Christian Bible at this point? Because here, in the Gospel of John, is expressed a precursor of the famous Cogito, one that has the same result as the Cogito ~ for the Word in question here has the same value as I Am, it being the YHVH, I am the Proof of Myself.

Our solitary individual knows himself as the thinking substance. All that surrounds him is eternally suspect by being the product of deludable senses.
But to move forward at all in life, certain concessions must be made, and so the perceivable world receives a certain treatment.
Added unto the the thinking substance is the undefined perceivable world, which in general and in specifics we can only symbolically express. The symbols that we use are called Words.

I Think Therefore I Am. I wish to communicate my being, And so use WORDS.

The light through which existence is comprehended, is comprehensible as the effect of symbols ~ such as words. There is THE WORD, of which all other words are reflections.

I am describing this process of knowing through symbols to deal with a dilemma which troubles me greatly ~ I have had the experience of perceiving the society of which I am a member. The words which this society uses to define itself follow a Cartesian methodology...

"We hold the truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal..."

Here the certain concessions have their expression. Groupness, the multiplicity of personalities is expressed. And so, there is more than One I AM. Now We ARE.

TO break that down to its component parts : I , of and unto myself, have flesh and use words to define my being. These words that I use are the result of my existance within a society ~ a collection of beings which use words to define themselves, and how they will interact in the process of this self definition.
The words " all men are Created equal " are a prelude to an explanation of their purpose, that these 'men' are endowed by their 'creator' with certain fundamental purposes which are considered immutable by the members, who all agree they are "inalienable rights. Among them being life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'

It is at this point in the process that I find the system of Reason according to which the society of which I am a part defines itself fails to continue to be comprehensible. In this situation I recall the certain concessions that had to be made, before I was able to express my awareness logically, I had to live a normal animal existence while learning to use symbols. This dynamic has a direct relation to the process of the society of which I am a part developing the ability to use symbols to express itself. As I have progressed, my self awareness and awareness of the types and qualities of symbols to be used has be come increasingly simplified, and therefore useful in building more complex arrangements as the interchangeability of certain symbols became apparent. This same effect is true of the society of which I am a part. In light of this concession, I seek better awareness of how I as an individual might act by determining what changes have occured in the society of which I am a part from the time when the documents by which this society is arranged were first given structure and this day, today, as I attempt to plan my part in society tomorow.

The problematic words are very simple : 'Men' and 'Creator'.

If by 'men' the intent is to describe all things capable of expressing their self awareness in words, then a much broader explanation becomes necessary when they are said to have been "created".

The words I am quoting are from the United States Declaration of Independence, the document from which many others have sprung, including the US Constitution, upon which many other Constitutions are based. The Constitution begins as such,

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

These Foundational Documents according to which the society of which I am a part go to great lengths to define the ordering and functions of this "Life" in which there are 'Blessings of Liberty" and in which the 'General Welfare' and 'our Posterity' have their singular expressions.

This brings about the need for more definitions, and in the course of human events, may bring about the need to enact THIS portion of the constitution
\Article. V.

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

Is the word 'men' a suitable definition of all beings capable of expressing their self awareness in words? This would seem to be answered in the "We the People" statement ~ but what then are People?

Who, or What, is this CREATOR, and by what process does this creation take place?

This Flesh, this vehicle of thought, has a clear and comprehensible process by which it is created ~ and this process demands a broader redefinition of the membership of this society in which happiness is pursued.

In Fact, the process of creation of 'men' takes place almost entirely within the flesh of a thinking being that most certainly is NOT a man.

The stated purpose of the Constitution is the result of the stated purpose of the Declaration of Independence. The Pursuit of Happiness led us to the securing of the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and posterity. This is the more perfect union which requires defense ( defense is not the purpose ), that we may provide for the common welfare.

At the time when these documents were produced, the artifice through which the 'creation' is enacted was not considered to be worthy of the status of 'equal' to the 'men'.
In the course of human events it has now become clear that the 'men' cannot exist without the presence of the thinking being that is the means by which the 'men' have being.
This being is 'Woman", and through "women" are all men created.
Men and Women are born of the wombs of women. Their individual processes of creation, and their nourishment and development to be capable of knowledge are the province by which woman is defined as a separate thinking being from man.

Upon the subject of "creator" there is great strife and contention amongst men in the world. The same is true concerning whether women have equal status to the men.

To these two issues ~ whereby "life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness" are threatened the world over, I have used the Cartesian Standards with which this essay begins to seek a clear principle or set of principles by which society's governing documents may be rewritten so that a "more perfect union" of thinking beings may better provide for the common welfare. That they may all be able to acknowledge their 'Creator' and so be able to experience the 'Blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our Posterity."

When Descartes published his "Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting One's Reason
and of Seeking Truth in the Sciences" in 1637, he did so knowing that his "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' could likely be threatened by the Patriarchal system which claimed that the "creator" is an undefinable spirit and that women must be subservient to men because of the desires of this non~corporeal creator.

In the course of Human events it has become the case in the society of which I am a part that women are now acknowledged as equals to the men in all matters, public and private.

To this point I do not believe I have made any statements uncommon to the general field of knowledge. The direction I am going to trend will remain within the general scope of human knowledge. It will also present conclusions not generally considered common.

As it is true that all of Humanity has its beginning in the WOMB of a pregnant woman, I venture to suggest that to relieve ourselves of the sources and causes of strife, violent contention, and the oppressive methods of some social groups upon others concerning the definition of the the 'Creator', we the people should rewrite our governing documents so that they reflect the changes in awareness that have resulted from the existence within our world of our governing documents.

Gradually the shape of world affairs has continually shifted to better ensure that the members of society with the least influence on world affairs have been given more and more of a voice. This seems to ensure a more perfect Union in which our Posterity may be expected to enjoy the Blessings of Liberty.

The purpose of our governing documents is to arrange for the most judicious use of the collective resources of our society while protecting the ability of our society to continue to provide for those inalienable rights.

As the pregnant woman is the means by which the people in this society are created, and as such are endowed then with their inalienable rights; and as the pregnant woman is a self aware being capable of rational thought; and as the pregnant woman, by means of her own consumption habits and physical health endows the child in her womb with life and the opportunity to experience liberty and happiness: It is clear that the society most likely to provide security for its people and Liberty for its Posterity will be so arranged as to guarantee the health and well being of the pregnant women.

How, then, shall a society be ordered which will guarantee this standard?

Generally, the documents according to which societies are ordered (constitutions) are composed primarily of descriptions of methods by which the collective resources of the society will be gathered, by what method the administration of these resources will be arranged, and the methods of choosing the administrators.
The constitution of the society of which I am a part goes to great length to arrange for the choice of which individuals shall be administrators. It calls for a regular census for the numbering of the people, from amongst whom the administrators will be chosen.
The process of choosing these administrators is defined as a popular election amongst the constituent members of each population group.
Initially, this election was open only to property owning white males. In the course of human events it became clear that this system was insufficient to provide for the inalienable rights of all thinking beings within the society.
And this system has had much success. But is it a more perfect union? Does it do the best possible job of arranging for the common welfare and the Blessings of Liberty for us and our Posterity? What then of the Pursuit of Happiness?
Efforts to redress the grievances of oppressed minority groups are often undone by the need to arrange for the election of representatives. This is a convoluted process frequently corrupted by the efforts of the elected representatives to remain in the position of administrative power. Vast resources are expended in the process of popular election. The representatives often govern to the benefit of a wealthy minority which supplies these resources , to the detriment of the general populous by whom they are elected.
All of this would seem merely to be the natural result of the slow process of moving towards a 'more perfect union' from the previous tyranny of the system of Monarchical Despotism and Militaristic Oppression were it not for the simple fact that there are pregnant women and women with young children in this society who are treated poorly and whose prospects are dehumanizing.
The pregnant woman, the very fingerprint of creation and source of all society is treated by the Patriarchy and its purveyors like an unreasoning creature beholden to the will of the mob.
What, then, can be done to continue perfecting the union and ensuring the rights of ALL the citizens?
Violent means of redistribution of wealth and power have been the norm throughout the ages ~ resulting in this system that we have today. All this violence is done in the name of building a better society, but the end result that comes from it never has achieved a society which ensures by all of its means that its pregnant women are all well cared for. And as social unrest stems from domestic displacement, there will never be a society free of the threat of Jefferson's "Tree of Liberty being watered with the blood of tyrants" until the society DOES develop which safeguards its Fundamental source.

How to avoid bloodshed? I believe that we have already seen the form of the minority whose election is simplest, that does not lend itself to the incumbent's corruption, requires no term limits, whose endowment with control of the collective resources most clearly resembles the actual facts of biological reality, and without whose success our society will fail.
In the days before electricity, human society stumbled through an unrelenting darkness of disease and depredation caused largely by the inability of diverse groups to communicate. The best efforts to survive lead to the system of representational democracy by public election.
Today it is possible for individuals to converse in real time while sharing complex documents from diverse locations at great distances.
Today it is possible to ensure the health and safety of all the pregnant women in our society by replacing one of the popularly elected houses of our bi~cameral legislature ~ or perhaps the Executive office ~ with that one segment of the populous which is not equally created in relation to the others ~ and upon whom our future actually depends.
Pregnant Women are more than equal to the rest of us. Without them, human society would cease to exist. In their wombs they carry future voters. From their laps and embrace are formed the individuals who will make up the new populous.
Such a re~ordering of the legislature would, of course, be a wild departure from the systems already in place. It would also mean the end of that great blight on the face of human society ~ homeless pregnant women.
Like the expanding of the Fibonacci Sequence, I offer this pluralization of Descartes Famous Cogito Ergo Sum :
Pregnant Women are the source of Society. The most efficient society will be that one which has the least diversion of resources from its source.

TO further this reasoning to the MotherPharm Project will take much time and concerted effort. I am happy that I have but this one life to spend in seeking to ensure equality for all, by pointing out that we are not all equal.

Em You, Moo , the uncarved block, the unnamable name



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